In Memoriam for Dick Hicks


by Barbara Wei

Richard "Dick" Hicks at the 2018 World Veterans Tournament.

In Memoriam: Harold R. "Dick" Hicks (November 28, 1937 - July 12, 2023)

USATT celebrates the life of Harold R. "Dick" Hicks (1937-2023). From Indianapolis, Indiana, Dick Hicks remains a true ambassador of the sport. As a player, he is the 2018 World Veterans Champion in the 80-84 age group and 30+ time Indiana State Champion. He's known for his defensive play and pick attacks. Dick was inducted into the US Table Tennis Hall of Fame in 2001 in recognition for his superb play. As an administrator and contributor, Dick ran over 100 sanctioned events and served on the USATT Ethics and Disciplinary Committee. A USATT Life Time Member, Dick Hicks will be remembered for his table tennis prowess and his commitment to the sport over decades.

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