USATT Prepares Pan Am Championships National Team Summer Training Camp


by USA Table Tennis

Charles Shen at the 2023 US Junior National Team Trials. Charlotte, NC.


USATT National Team Summer Training Camp: 


U-15, U-19 Pan Am Championships Preparation Training Camp


July 15th to July 21st, 2023

Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center

Charleston, West Virginia


Participants: U15, U19 Pan Am Championships team (top 4) + high rating players*.


( * - Enrollment to the training camp will be prioritized to male players who have above U-1900

rating, and female players who have above U-1700 rating. USATT Head Coach will make the

final decision on enrollment.)


Coaches: Jun Gao - USATT Head Coach + National Team Coaches.


Entry deadline: 11:59 PM MST, June 14, 2022. Payment must be made and received by

USATT before the entry deadline. Do NOT make travel arrangements until Coach Gao or Tina

Ren confirms your enrollment via email.


Format: Morning training session and afternoon training session from July 15 to July 21 daily.


Arrival by: All out-of-state travelers must arrive by evening on July 14th. All local participants

must arrive at the venue by 8:30 am local time, July 15th, 2023.


Flights: All participants arrange their flights.


Venue: Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center, 200 Civic Center Dr, Charleston, WV 25301.


Hotel: Charleston Marriott Town Center (Check-in: July 14th. 2023, Check-out: July 22nd,






Full package


Training camp, lodging,

breakfast, lunch and dinner




Note #1: Participants arrange their transportation between the airport and hotel for the entire

trip. The distance from the airport to the hotel is short. In addition, it is a walking distance

between the hotel and the venue.


Note #2: We reserve the right to adjust final pricing.


Note #3: Lodging is reserved for double occupancy rooms only (e.g., two participants share one

room). If a parent wants to share a room with a participant, an additional cost will apply.


Note #4: The top 4 boys and girls of the 2023 U-15, U-19 National Team will be mandatorily

required to attend the training camp at no cost with the following benefit: airfare (from US

primary residence location to West Virginia), training camp, lodging, and food.


Note #5 - Participants must have valid USATT PRO membership.


Food: Three meals per day will be provided, starting on July 15 and ending on July 21st.

Breakfast will be provided at the hotel. Lunch and dinner will be provided at the venue or other

locations. Special dietary preferences must be emailed to by June 14th,



Payment: All payments must be paid via PayPal ( or credit card. For credit

card payments, please contact All payments must be made by 11:59 PM,

June 14th, MST, 2023.


Refund policy:


Cancel Before

Before 11:59 PM, Mountain Standard Time,

June 30th, 2023

Refund amount



All cancellations must be sent and received via email to


Special note #1: Parents and legal guardians can accompany their children to the venue, but

only USATT Training Camp coaches can coach participants.


Special note #2: Due to limited seat availability and preparation required to focus on the

upcoming U-15, U-19 Pan Am Championships tournament, we reserve the right to prioritize and

admit qualified participants to the training camp. All final participant enrollment decision will

be subject to the USATT Head Coach.


Special note #3: We reserve the right to change any and all content of this training camp on a

needed basis.


Questions: Email to


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